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Dog in a Sweater Vest

Animal Physical Therapy

Animal Physical Therapy

Physical rehabilitation aims to increase your companion animal’s physical mobility to help return them to an optimal level of function. Just like with humans, movement is important to maintain or increase muscle control and strength, decrease stiffness of tendons and muscles and increase the stability of joints.
We are committed to improving the physical and psychological well-being of your companion animal to help improve over-all quality of life!

Animal Chiropractor in Gunnison, Colorado

Physical Rehabilitation can benefit numerous conditions, including:

  • Recovery from a soft tissue injury

  • Surgical and non-surgical ACL ligament injury

  • Surgical and non-surgical patella luxation

  • Surgical and non-surgical spinal cord injuries (common in dachshunds)

  • Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO)

  • Stroke

  • Degenerative Myelopathy

  • Hip Dysplasia

  • Elbow Dysplasia

  • Gait abnormalities

  • Arthritis and other geriatric changes

  • To increase strength

  • To increase range of motion

  • Performance enhancement of athletic dogs

  • Weight Loss Assistance

  • Pain reduction

Please give Burnett Animal Chiropractic a call at (970) 396-8666 with any questions you may have, or to schedule a consultation to see if physical therapy can benefit your pet.

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